Comming Soon... Track Your Long Cycles
Key Features
- System for Long Cycles. The Vorne board system is great but it's not meant for cycles longer than 10 minutes. For these long cycles, check out our Long Cycle system.
- States and Reasons. Track your state and reason codes. Use our modern web interface to select your state and reason.
- Import Parts. Either from a database, API, or manual entry, import your parts and scan into them.
- Integrate with OEE Explorer. Use the same tools to view your data. Use metrics like Availability, Performance, Quality, and OEE to make informed decisions.
- Customizable Security Options. Support for either secured and open deployments.
- Flexible Deployment. Choose between on-premises or cloud installation for optimal flexibility.
- Fast and Responsive. Quickly load charts and dashboards for immediate data.
- Comprehensive Support. Benefit from thorough documentation and OEE IntelliSuite support.